
Tucked up tight in a snug red plant pot in a cosy greenhouse is Bud. Each morning Bud is warmed by the sun and come the evenings, the Moon arrives to tell fascinating tales of the Big Outside. Then one day it’s time for Bud to be replanted in the great wide world beyond the greenhouse. Placed between the nettles and tree roots, Bud’s roots reach down into the cold soil and the stem grows upwards. However, the Big Outside is not at all like Bud has imagined: it’s chillsome and scary and full of unfamiliar things, some of which make weird noises.

No matter where Bud looks there’s more danger – howling winds, flying footballs, pecking birds and nibbling insects. Missing the safety of the greenhouse, Bud cries out asking to go home but there’s no answer.

Then along flies Buzz: Buzz snuggles beneath Bud’s leaves, the two fall asleep and thus a friendship is forged. Henceforward, no matter the weather be it heavy rain, crashing storms, wild winds or freezing frost Bud continues to grow, the two have each other as comfort

and before long Bud makes other insect friends too. Perhaps life in the Big Outside isn’t really so bad after all, Bud decides.

One day Bud wakes to discover yet another new friend: now side by side stand two fully blooming roses – Bud and Rose.

Gently educational, this story of plant growth, illustrated with a gentle humour, is a charmer to share with young children especially prior to planting seeds. With themes of anxiety and fear of new situations, it’s also a reassuring book to discuss as children move from a nursery setting into a reception class, for instance.

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