Monti and Leo: A Newcomer in Pocketville

Pocketville as its sign says is, ‘a quiet little town’ and that’s just the way the animals living there want it. Like the others, Monti Mole dislikes change; he sticks to a daily routine but then one day, he discovers a stranger, Leo Lizard, sitting on his favourite rock. At a loss to know what to do, the mole goes home and has a sleepless night. Next morning there’s Leo again sitting on Monti’s rock, but this time the lizard’s genial greeting and ensuing kindness disarms the mole and a friendship starts to blossom.

At the bakery the following day it’s apparent that baker, Mrs Sheep is suspicious of the newcomer commenting, “These strangers! They never respect our ways.” and warning Monti against becoming Leo’s friend. The mole though speaks up for Leo and the two walk off together.

Later, as Monti and Leo are sitting on a log, they hear the sounds of music. It’s Mole’s friend Harriet strumming and singing and Monti introduces her to Leo. This leads them into deciding to hold a talent show that anyone can audition for. Off they go to the library to enlist the help of Carl Crow. Poecketville residents are at first interested but quickly turn reluctant thanks to Mrs Sheep’s crusty ways.

However Mole eventually succeeds in sweet-talking the curmudgeon into sharing her ‘gorgeous singing’ at the show; and just in the nick of time before the organisers call the whole thing off. Come show night, the entire Pocketville population is in attendance, either performing or watching and the show is a big success.

The book’s creator aptly dedicates this story to ‘anyone who has ever felt like a stranger’. With its themes of friendship and community building, it was so good to see Monti finding his own talent in the latter. Sylvie Kantorovitz effectively uses a muted colour palette, simple lines and patterning throughout presenting her tale in graphic novel format for younger readers, .

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