Frida the Rock-and-Roll Moth

Frida is a moth: with her prowess at playing loud music on her purple guitar and her pointy boots she exudes funkiness. Despite constant encouragement from Auntie Edna, her number one fan, there comes a day when Frida feels anything but shiny. She even begins to think of giving up playing her purple guitar,

then suddenly there appears a big bright light and she sees a host of rock-and-roll moths that are dancing, singing and rocking. Eager to join them, Frida begins to approach them but as she gets closer, she starts to feel smaller. They all seem so much sparklier than her. Why can’t I be more like them, she thinks to herself.

Back in her room, Frida decides change is needed: boots, songs and purple guitar are all replaced. The following night at the Big Bright Light, Frida moves forwards again, but the same feelings start to worry her until she hears Auntie Edna’s words, “Go, Frida! You can do it! Your best self is always inside you!” So, she begins to play but to no avail: still nothing feels right. Alone again in the dark, she feels inadequate once more.

Returning to her bedroom, she is determined to change again and gives several possibilities careful consideration. Along comes Auntie Edna with a hug and some vital words of wisdom. Are those what is needed to empower Frida next time she visits the Big Bright Light?

With it’s delightfully quirky illustrations that show so well Frida’s feelings, and vital message about believing in yourself, Kim Hillyard’s tale will surely encourage young children to find their inner light and let it shine forth no matter what challenges they face: self belief is key.

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