Can You Share Little Whale? / Zeki Eats Out

Little Whale doesn’t want to share: her place at the front of the pod has been taken despite Mum saying she can be the leader; then it seems that noisy gannets are taking all the silvery fish and leaving none for her to feed on. “It’s not fair!” complains Little Whale but then up swims her friend Blue offering to share a snack with her. This pleases her and she decides to search for something delicious to share with Blue. Down she swims towards to coral reef but is concerned in case she isn’t able to find a special something: suppose there isn’t sufficient, she worries. Happily though, Turtle helps her discover a reef burgeoning with treats aplenty,

more than enough for everyone and thanks to the reef’s inhabitants Little Whale is able to return to her pod with a juicy treat to share with Blue.

Again, however, Little Whale is upset for she finds Blue swimming alongside HER mum! “That’s my mum!” says Little Whale pushing her friend away. Mum scolds her, and reminds her offspring that “it’s always good to share.” Little Whale turns to Blue, confirming that there’s enough room for them both and together, they swim forward as friends.

It’s great to see Mum whale using gentle guidance rather than chastisement to help her little one learn the vital lesson about sharing. Jonny’s beautiful, detailed scenes of the coral reef are a particular delight and he captures so well the movement and textures of the whales and other marine fauna.
The life lesson Little Whale learns is an essential one for little humans to learn too: this story is an enjoyable way to make sure they realise that sharing is both important and brings mutual pleasure to those involved.

For slightly younger children:

The adorable Zeki, is going out to have lunch at a restaurant with Daddy and Nana-G. Accompanying them is Zeki’s Mr Seahorse so the little boy gives him some tips on appropriate restaurant behaviour before they set out.
Having greeted Nana-G outside the venue, in they all go and Bruno their waiter is there to serve them. The three consult the menu and make their choices of what to eat and then Dad and Zeki head to the washroom to wash their hands before the food arrives. Clearly an enjoyable time is had by all.

Equally an enjoyable time will be had by adults and the little ones with whom they share this latest episode in the life of my favourite story book toddler. It’s simply told in Anna’s straightforward prose which leaves Ruth’s spreads to portray the warmth of the love between Zeki and his family members.

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