This Is Happy!

Happiness can be found in the very smallest of things, but we need to slow right down and look carefully. Only then will we truly appreciate what a wonderful world surrounds us. The adult carers in this book are aware of this and do all they can to ensure that the children have as many opportunities as possible tto discover it too. The children experiment with paints, plant seeds and watch them grow,

get right up close to damp earth after a rain shower They frolic on the seashore, lie flat in the grass on their tummies and investigate using all their senses. There are birthdays to celebrate with energetic dancing and delicious food, muddy streams to splash in, opportunities to let their imaginations take flight in a variety of ways – inventing new stories ,

entering those in books and perhaps even visiting distant galaxies as they stand beneath a starry sky.
Maybe the very best of all though is to be found when snuggled up with family members …

Lyrically and engagingly written by Anna Ross with Debi Gliori capturing the rapturous moments the diverse cast of five families enjoy.

Slow down and share this delightful book with the little ones in your life; it’s never too soon to introduce young children to mindfulness.

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