A Fairy Called Fred

Fred is a fairy who works in the Department of Dresses in the Wish Granting Plant where the fairies respond to countless requests for ball gowns from princesses. He loves the job but he too has a wish – he longs to find a wish-mail in his tray. Joshua Reed is a little boy who longs to got to his friend Claire’s party but it has a princess theme and Joshua doesn’t have a dress. Off goes his letter to the Wish Granting Plant where top designer Bella hands Joshua’s request to Fred. Can Fred help? He’ll need to get busy right away, which of course he does.

Meanwhile Josh waits in hope and then to his joy there comes a knock on his window. The transformation begins and ‘fashionably late’ he arrives at Claire’s house. Wow! There stands a smiling boy in his awesome attire and shortly after there stands Claire with something for Josh.

For Fred though, it’s late; time for him to leave the party and return from whence he came. There waiting for him is a very special award for his very special design.

Celebrating diversity and being yourself, this magical reworking of Cinderella is a joy to read aloud and Josh in his dress with its sparkles and spangles is a joy to behold.

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