Gloria Goes For Gold / Albert and the Flood

Of all the unlikely animals to be called graceful it’s Gloria the hippo and her family members, a champion- winning team of synchronised swimmers that always comes away with gold at the Artistic Swimming Championships. However Gloria is not as happy as the others about this: she longs for a prize she doesn’t have to share. Then comes a letter about the upcoming Savannah Games and Gloria decides to find a sport she can win solo. Off she goes leaving the other hippos to practise their routine and before long bumps right into sprinter Cheetah going so speedily she fails to see Gloria. The hippo decides she’d like to try sprinting and Cheetah offers to coach her. Pretty soon Gloria realises that this sport isn’t for her and as she sits beneath a tree contemplating what next, down swings Monkey. He makes gymnastics appear great fun but Gloria quickly discovers that she’s not cut out for being a gymnast.

Nor does she take to distance swimming. In fact she decides that after all, she’d rather be part of the family team; but feels too ashamed to ask.

The next day sees the start of the Savanna Games and Gloria tucks herself away among those watching the artistic swimming.

While so doing she overhears something her brother says to their cousin. Is there a situation that needs saving? If so, what should she do?

Priceless pictures by Annabel Tempest are for me the real winners in this book. No matters whether one aspires to be a solo winner or part of a winning team, it’s important for children to see that it’s participation and doing one’s best that really count the most and Marina Firth’s telling shows this in a fun, non-didactic way.

It’s a truly eventful day for Albert and his friends despite the sporting event Games Day being rained off. Actually that’s an understatement for it’s a thunder storm that is responsible for rescheduling of the Games, despite what the ant commander says as the rain starts. However the steady rain rapidly turns to a torrential downpour that causes severe flooding of many of the creatures’ homes. Fortunately Albert quickly starts leading a rescue mission, aided and abetted by Frog, a group of ants and some spiders.
Before long, Albert’s shell was packed with minibeasts, while others of the rescued found safety elsewhere.

Then suddenly the rain eases off and the storm clouds pass to reveal a glorious sight in the sky.
The ant commander makes an announcement that pleases most of the creatures; and then Albert too makes an announcement. Can you guess what he said: it concerned something of vital importance.

This is Albert’s seventh adventure created by team Ian and Eoin and it’s one that contains an important life lesson for young children. Eoin’s illustrations are very amusing and both adult readers aloud and their audiences will laugh at many of the scenes.

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