A Hat Full of Sea

Cora visits her Grandpa Jim during his stay in hospital; she wears the hat he’d given her every time she goes. His room there has only a small window, which Cora doesn’t feel is enough for him. She wants him to experience a variety of places and so using the hat, she sets out to help him.

First it’s the sea and with the help of her imagination, the girl catches ‘the cold-water ripples and the white foaming waves. … the softness of the sand and the seagull cries all wrapped up in the wind.’ Carefully she carries them to him and we see the water seemingly covering him like a blanket.

Next she takes him the countryside alive with flora and fauna,

then the thrills of a fairground and more including the beauties of a black velvet night sky.

Her best idea, Cora thinks, will be a journey but as she nears a train, she drops her hat. She’s heartbroken at not being able to find it , but when she visits the hospital again she can’t find her grandpa either; he’s not in the bed.

Happily though, he has recovered and is soon beside her telling Cora that it’s her, not the hat, that is special and cheered him up. Moreover he feels ready for a walk down to the sea.

I love the playfulness of Jen Khatun’s digitally created illustrations that are perfectly in keeping with Maudie Smith’s warm, equally playful text. A beautiful portrayal of inter-generational love that reminds us all how important it is to spend time with loved ones.

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