Rosie Raja Mission To Cairo

Rosie Raja Mission To Cairo
Sufiya Ahmed
Bloomsbury Education

Rosie Raja returns in a new action-packed adventure, again set in World War 2. It’s autumn 1941 and this time she and her father are in Egypt. The purpose is to root out a traitor hiding in the company of the British agents who are working there – a challenging task, given the diversity of the people and personalities that inhabit Cairo. Rosie’s father’s cover story is that he is an Egyptologist who has come to work in the Museum of Antiquities and Rosie finds herself spending the mornings at the museum with her Papa. There she quickly becomes fascinated with the ancient hieroglyphics system of words and pictures.

However she meets with considerable hostility from Fatima, the daughter of Asim, one of their local allies. She wants to become an Egyptologist herself and is angry about the rumours that Rosie’s father is there to take the remains of Tutankhamun back to England. She also seems obsessed with ancient spells and curses. However as time passes the two girls become friends although Rosie finds it very difficult not to let anything slip about her Indian connections especially, that might reveal who she really is.

Just how good a friend Fatima proves to be is eventually revealed but as for others, it’s almost impossible to decide who is really who they say and can be trusted. Things become increasingly dangerous but eventually Rosie shows that she really deserves the recognition she already has and finally back in Downing Street to meet Churchill again she receives further praise when he remarks, “Carry on like this and you will end up being my favourite spy.”

I know a fair number of readers who’ve been eagerly awaiting this book; they won’t be disappointed.