Natterjack Toad Can’t Believe It!

Most of us have a favourite snack and so it is with Natterjack Toad. As the story opens he’s languishing among the reeds in his hammock anticipating tucking into his packet of Chocolate Chunk Crunchy-Munch cookies. Mmm! they do sound delicious.

They’re mine! thinks Natterjack Toad, ‘And this hidey-hole is just the place for munching one up.’ Out comes a cookie, out comes NT’s tongue in preparation for a yummy taste but along comes a huge heron, beak at the ready. Now our Natterjack friend has no intention of becoming the heron’s next snack so back goes the cookie and off he goes at top speed.

His next stop is the meadow with its long grass and summery flowers: the perfect spot for a nibble. Out comes a cookie, open-mouthed, NT anticipates that choccy flavour but once again Natterjack Toad ‘CAN’T BELIEVE IT’. Right beside him is a whiskery weasel with mouth wide open.. Uh-oh! Back in the basket goes the cookie and away ‘quickety-whip’ goes Natterjack Toad destination the forest. Surely here in a cool hidey-hole he’ll be undisturbed. Or maybe not.

As he’s about to consume his treat, right beside him appear a mole and a vole. Will Natterjack Toad heed their words of warning regarding a huge hungry marauding animal? There comes that open mouth, that ready tongue and a mighty CRUNCH! Yikes! There before the three stands …

How will this tale end? Tasty treats for the large beastie or …

Deliciously playful, this dramatic tale is an absolute treat to read aloud. I’m not sure who will find it more tasty, the adult sharer or the young listeners who will be on the edge of their seats, joining in at every opportunity as the story unfolds. Sean’s patterned text combined with Kathryn Durst’s hilarious scenes are a confection too good to miss.