Michael the Incredible Super-Sleuth Sausage Dog

In this second Michael story, the sausage dog decides that in addition to being a celebrity mind-reading expert, he wants to be a detective mastermind. The reason being Susan the Chocolate Labrador has gone missing. Could it be a case of dognapping as Police Detective Wrinkles suspects: if so that will mean the filming of Michael’s TV show featuring said Labrador will have to be halted. However, when a ransom note is discovered signed by DogX and Associates, there’s no doubt in Michael’s mind: a detective he must be. That way he can surely boost his TV ratings, which have recently nose-dived.

Time to use your talent and charm to your advantage, Michael and you’d better be quick about it. There’s just two days to drive to Three Paw Creek, meet the villainous kidnapper, be a su-paw hero and rescue Susan, then get back in time to restore your show to the top of the ratings chart.

Things don’t go exactly to plan however. To say the overnight accommodation – Dog House Motel – is substandard is being generous, especially as Detective Wrinkles has booked herself in at the vastly superior Bouncy Ball Hotel.

Far worse is to come though, for Michael’s plan goes completely off the rails when he too is dognapped. With Pamela calling the shots, this is cheesily catastrophic . How on earth is Michael going to extricate himself, not to mention Stanley and Susan from their place of incarceration? And what of that all important show?

A witty tail wagging, twisty turning delight for KS2 readers especially the dog-loving kind. Tim Budgen’s illustrations add to the zestiness of the tale so make sure you paws and look at them properly.