HELP! Ralfy Rabbit and the Great Library Rescue

This is Ralfy’s third adventure and he has a mission. When he and his little brother Rodney visit the library, their favourite place, they are devastated to discover that everything has been cleared away. Miss Page the librarian tells them that because there aren’t enough people using the library nowadays, it is to close the following day. “It would take a magic dragon to save it now,” she says sadly.

Taking her words literally the rabbit brothers round up all their book-loving friends and before long they’ve got all they need for their dragon search.

Off they go, first stop the zoo where they speak to zoo-keeper Mr Dung, who on hearing the news , realises how much he needs the library. So too do all the other people Ralfy and Rodney talk to: the doctor,

the sweet shop owner, and many others are horrified at the imminent loss of the invaluable resource.

Back home go Ralfy et al feeling utterly dejected and next morning they walk, equally sadly, to say goodbye to the librarian. What do you think they find?

Emily’s illustrations are full of details that will make both young children and adults smile and the characters’ expressions speak volumes. Together with its vital messages about the importance of a library in the community and the role everyone can play to bring about change, this is a story to share at home, in the classroom and of course in libraries – long may they survive and flourish.