Fireborn: Starling and the Cavern of Light

Slightly darker than the previous books in the series, this concludes the trilogy. As the book opens, with the Master’s army converging and moving closer to Ember, the witches virtually destroyed and the whereabouts of her friends Six and Seven not known to her, Phoenix is feeling especially low. “We should have marched north, to rescue Six from Victory and the Master … And to find Seven,” she says to her pet squirrel Widge.

Moreover, Ember can only survive the imminent fight for survival if, rather than fighting among themselves, the clans join forces and defeat their common enemy. To bring this about an address by Phoenix will, it’s hoped, be instrumental. “I think they’ll actually listen to you, Hoarfrost insists.
She agrees and speaks to them that same evening, revealing in so doing that she’s an elemental. Responding to the question “What is this ‘Master’ she tells the crowd, “He controls all dark creatures, bends them to his will effortlessly. …I can promise you this, when you face the Master and his monstrous army, the differences between your clan and another will suddenly look very small indeed…. He has united the dark creatures; if we are to survive, we must at least be as united as they are.”

There is hope lying within the Cavern of Light in the form of a hidden weapon, but embarking on a journey filled with horrific beasts and peril like they’ve never before experienced is a choice that must be made. A final showdown looms but can Phoenix possibly defeat the Master and save her beloved friends.

The battle scenes, when they eventually take place, are the stuff of nightmares, with Phoenix taking a decision she may regret. To say this book is suspenseful is an understatement; a handy box of tissues close by is advisable as you draw near to the end with Phoenix’s past and present coming together and sacrifices being made by certain characters.

With amazing world-building, a gamut of emotions and occasional dramatic illustrations by Sophie Medvedeva, this is an awesome end to a brilliant series. As the Guardian says in the final chapter, “This world is full of marvels, Phoenix. Life and wonder and glorious possibility exist alongside the darkness.”

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