Greenwild: The City Beyond the Sea

For me this sequel, is every bit as good as Greenwild: The World Behind the Door. Herein Daisy’s adventures alongside her Five O’Clock Club friends – animal whisperer Indigo, The Prof, Acorn and cat Napoleon, as well as new member of the cast, Max, a fugitive with a distinctive birthmark on his face and a past he is keeping hidden or doesn’t remember – continue apace.

Botanists are being found dead in the Amazon region and the adults likely have plans of their own, plans concerning what to do. As you’d expect, Daisy is very worried about the safety of her mother who has been taken captive in the area. Rescuing her from there is not possible as it means taking on the environment-destroying Grim Reapers; but could Daisy follow her mother’s wish and enlist help from the people of the Kingdom of Iffenwild, a place most don’t even believe exists? Maybe, though Iffenwild is somewhere that has cut itself off from the rest of the world for reasons unknown to Daisy et al.

In this book the author creates a backdrop that is powerfully intricate and fascinating; there’s Iffenwild and the Nautilus Theatre Company and its players that come to life as if before your very eyes as Daisy and friends have to evade or face ambushes from the evil Grim Reapers whose effect on the coral and seaweed is devastating. They also need to find out whether the Duchess of Iffenwild is to be trusted or not. All this as well as riding majestic wild water horses and rescuing rare creatures from an animal market, not to mention how to control their individual magical gifts and learning how to trust each other. Their aim is to put paid to the evil scheme of a regent and obtain the much needed assistance for the critical conflict that is to come.

Overflowing with magical happenings, places and otherworldly creatures, some of which are portrayed in Elisa Paganelli’s awesome illustrations,

Pari Thomson’s wondrous tale is totally gripping and not only that, it gently nudges readers into thinking about the vital importance and conservation of the natural world.

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